Three out of four executivea expect to retire or leave theird positions withinfive years, and only 29 percent have discussed a successiob plan with their boards, according to a 2006 surveg of 1,932 nonprofit executives by , a California nonprofit-consultant organization. Such an exodus could leave many organizations struggling to maintain their directiojn and find theright leadership. Nonprofit leaders are educatinfg organizations about the importance of having a succession plan in place to ensure a smoothj transitionof leadership.
"If strong leadersw leave too quickly, things fall said Tim Wolfred, senior projects director for Nonprofits face harsh timesz as government cutbacks have left many local organizations without adequate which could also reduce the number of potential candidates for nonprofitgexecutive positions, said Linda Lanier, who has worked with nonprofits since 1971 and is CEO and executivw director of the . "I'm concerned about when some of usstargt retiring," she said. "No w that we are in a time of severw governmentfunding reductions, therd are a lot of people who wouldx look at these jobs and say, 'j don't want to do that.
' A local nonprofit, The Sulzbache r Center, has been effective at planning for executive said Audrey Moran McKibbin, who has twicr been the organization's interim directore after executives stepped down. "Sulzbacher has been a model of good CEO transitiomn on a numberof occasions," she said. "It's smarr for a board to choose an interim director rathee than hurrythe It's also important for an interim to come in and help the board with the search for new leadership." The CompassPoint studg and other studies concern the Nonprofit Center of Northeast Floridas and its more than 150 member organizations.
"Mosy of our members realize that successiom planning is agood idea, but there is some trepidation that goes alongy with" executives telling their board they are said Leah Donelan, director of membershipl for the Nonprofit Center. "Burt we're trying to make sure everyondrealizes it's not a reason to be CompassPoint will hold several workshops for the Nonprofit Center'z members at the end of March on creatingh succession plans and training for interim executive directors.
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